When dealing with painting and paint jobs, weather conditions are an important filter that you must keep in mind. Although painting can be done at any time, there is the best time of the year for it as well.
Every can of paint, whether high quality or simply mediocre, is good down to 35 degrees. Due to this, a great paint job can indeed be done in cold weather conditions, but it is said to be hard on the painter's hands.
Many expert painters and successful home improvement organizations like Somerset Painting recommend that the best time to get your exterior paint job done is around springtime, in case you have a lot of vegetation around your exterior walls.
This is because, during the spring weather, the flowers and greenery would not be coming up, which can prove to make the job difficult for painters. After all, they would sometimes have to put a ladder between dense vegetation and bushes, making painting tough for them.
Some painters also recommend waiting until the fall season if they have extensive bushes and flowers around their house. Confused as to when you should schedule a paint job? Contact us now!