A certificate separates good workers from professionals. Every state has different laws requiring workers to get certification for their job. Does Michigan need painters to get some certification?
if you want to start up a painting company, there are different pieces documents that you need. For painting houses, you can quickly start doing so if you wish, with some exceptions. Any paint job over $600 will require you to get a license in the state of Michigan.
You can get a remodeler or a builder license in Michigan. We recommend getting a builders license since that license will get you more jobs over time as you continue climbing the professional painter ladder.
Doing business is your company's assumed name, trade name, or fictitious name. Before having a painter start your home improvement job, ask them about their license. Many painters say they are licensed, but they only have a DBA.
A DBA is not suitable for a painter because it means they are liable for all debts accumulated by their business, and they do not own the rights to their name, which could mean trouble for you.
All our painters are professional and licensed and ready for any job. Anyone who wants to work for us must have their builder's license. When you hire us for a job, we always ensure to send you an email with the information, estimate, and our liability documentation, workers comp, and license documentation.
The experienced Somerset team is here to complete your home improvement projects for you. Somerset has assembled expert painters, carpenters, and masons who love their craft and take pride in satisfying each client. Somerset can add style, color, and excitement to your home, inside and out. Click here to learn more, fill out the form below, and let us handle your future home improvement project today!